Private Bus Operators COVID-19 Update

COVID safe Bus Hire

Private bus operators, including inter-regional and charter bus services


Long distance bus travel such as inter-regional bus services or charter buses (which includes buses hired for group travel and tour buses) are not currently restricted under the COVID-19 Public Health Orders. However, bus companies need to provide a safe environment for their customers and staff.

COVID Safe recommendations for passengers and bus operators
  1. Use physical distancing when travelling and seated on services
  2. Anyone that is unwell or has COVID-19 symptoms should not travel
  3. Take extra care around vulnerable people
  4. Practise good hygiene.
Bus operators should also
  1. Provide hand sanitiser
  2. Clean surfaces thoroughly particularly all high contact areas such as doors, handles and toilets
  3. Maintain a record of customers and their seating allocation using a QR app or similar measure
  4. Have signage on board services to remind everyone of their responsibility to keep each other safe
  5. Encourage passengers, drivers and staff to wear a face mask, particularly if physical distancing cannot be maintained.

Bus companies like other businesses should have a COVID-19 Safety Plan that addresses how they will protect their staff and customers.

* Update *

Under current Public Health Orders which came into effect on 26 June 2021 (until 9 July 2021 at this stage), long distance, tourist and charter services should ensure that all passengers travelling in a long distance, tourist or charter service, including the driver, are wearing a fitted face covering.

Operators should also:

  • while the current Public Health Orders are in force in NSW, ensure that drivers from outside Greater Sydney avoid leaving their vehicle while in Greater Sydney. If you leave your vehicle while in Greater Sydney, you will be subject to stay-at-home orders
  • manage the risk of COVID-19 to workers and others in the work environment
  • comply with national and State public health directions
  • follow all guidelines for hygiene practices, especially social distancing requirements
  • be reminded that under the Bus Operator Accreditation Scheme you are required to assess and manage health and safety risks in line with your Safety Management System (SMS). That risk assessment must now include COVID-19

Transport for NSW will continue to monitor public announcements and provide updated information accordingly. For further information see the Public Health Order.

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06 July 2021
